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Escanner can be used in various fields such as office, home, school, bank, libary, hospital, government organization and etc. Assisted by bundled scanner software, just click ONE button, sharp and clear images can be captured and saved. It's superiorly useful as you have lots of scanning documents such as paper invoices, books and magazines which need to be archived in digital images.
Escanner adopts vertical standing structure design that object details can be accurately seized without worrying about hand vibration or camera shakes while using a digital camera to take a snapshot.
3.0 Mega pixels to ensure scanned images are sharp and clear to be recognized.
You can also slightly adjust the focus camera to increase image quality.
The LED is light supplement when environment sunlight is week.
On-site "Scan" and "LED Light" buttons.
USB power supply. Superb energy saving!
Step1. Plug the Escanner USB cable into one of USB ports on your PC.
Step2. Please choose your destination folder and finish installing Escanner software. It's only one step installation process while driver is also being installed simultaneously.
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